Ken Morrison of Radio Kidnappers – The Voice of Hawkes Bay, interviews Heiko Lade of The Acupuncture Clinic on how acupuncture and its related modalities of moxibustion and cupping are used in back pain.
Heiko has been practising acupuncture for over thirty years and was a former lecturer in Christchurch and Auckland. He also organises regular seminars in Auckland for well known Sports Medicine Acupuncturist Matt Callison from the States.
Back pain can come about from many reasons, including injury, trauma and general wear and tear as a result of the aging process. Listen in to Radio Kidnappers to find out how acupuncture is used in the treatment of back pain.
You can contact Heiko Lade for a consultation here.
Listen to show on Tuesday 20th March 2018 at 11:00am on 104.7 FM or 1431 AM.
The show can also be live streamed by going to Radio Kidnappers.