Eye twitching when it is severe can even cause the eyes to stay closed and the common western medical treatment is to use anticonvulsive drug therapy. Medication such as Benzhexol Hydrochloride and Baclofen are example medications used to treat this problem. The problem with using these medications is that they side effects of dizziness, headache, fatigue, disturbed sleep, blurred vision, constipation and rapid heartbeat to mention just a few. There are no side effects using acupuncture.
Recent research has demonstrated that acupuncture for eye twitching is far more effective than medication and results are long lasting.
There are a number of causes of eye twitching according to traditional Chinese medical diagnosis of which a liver imbalance is the most common. Ancient Chinese physicians said that the liver actually controls the eyes so that many eye diseases can be treated by using liver acupuncture points. If you think about hepatitis, a disease of the liver, one of the key note symptoms is yellowing of the whites of the eyes.
In fact traditional Chinese herbs like gouji berries have been used for centuries to benefit weakening eye sight and modern research has shown that they can improve liver function.
The liver has a yin and yang component and if they become unbalanced, and the yang of the liver can rise up and disturb the eyes causing red eyes, yellowing of the eyes, sore eyes, itchy eyes or twitching eyes. Some acupuncture points to help this problem of twitching eyes are near the eye brows and others could be on the hands or feet.
Eye twitching sometimes co exists with the symptoms of dizziness, cramps, ringing in the ears, involuntary muscle twitches, tiredness and blurry vision. These combined symptoms in traditional Chinese medicine are due to what is called liver blood deficiency. Women can also experience problems with their menstrual cycle if they have liver blood deficiency.
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be of benefit for liver disease and twitching eyes.
Naomi Jansson who works on Australia’s Gold Coast has a specialist interest in treating eye diseases and has studied with the renowned Dy Andy Rosenfarb.