Matt has reached Tavarua and is now on a wave heading south to Auckland. Don’t miss out, book your place asap.
Matt Callison is the President of AcuSport Seminars in the USA and is one of primary lecturers at the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification Program in the United States. He first presented at the NZRA AGM Conference in Hamilton in 2002 and has since then delivered a number of seminars throughout New Zealand. Matt’s book, Sports Medicine Acupuncture, is due to be published early 2016 and he will be presenting his one and only 2015 New Zealand seminar in Auckland.
What will the seminar be covering?
This seminar is on differentiating low back pain and will discuss referred pain patterns into the channels and collaterals of the hip and lower extremity.
One of the most challenging aspects of a clinician’s work is to accurately determine the primary tissue in lesion causing the patients pain. In order to achieve the best treatment results and patient rehabilitation, it is essential for the practitioner to determine the proper diagnosis and to identify the source of the referred pain. Familiarity with orthopedic evaluations, the anatomy of the region and the topography of the acupuncture channels is imperative in helping the practitioner to determine the source of the pain. Paresthesia traveling into the hip and lower extremity is not always nerve related (sciatica) and this seminar will help the practitioner to identify, diagnose and treat the source that creates excess (shi) and deficient (xu) pain patterns. This seminar will include muscle and pelvic imbalances that are typically found in cases of referred pain.
Will the seminar cover more than just acupuncture?
Treatment protocols will not only include acupuncture using traditional acupuncture points as well as motor points but also myofascial mobilization techniques and specific postural exercises that together will help the practitioner get the patient out of pain and provide long-lasting results.
Where will the seminar be held?
It will be held at the New Zealand School of Acupuncture 382c Manukau Road, Epsom, Auckland. There is ample parking at the rear of the college, enter through driveway next to Gengis Khan Restaurant.
Who can attend the seminar?
Members of the New Zealand register of Acupuncturists Inc, Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association and members of NZASA. Any others must fit criteria of being a licensed or registered acupuncturist and provide proof of having graduated from an ACAOM accredited Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture school (or equivilant). Participants must have a minimum of 2000 hours of acupuncture and TCM training and provide proof of having an active license.
The seminar is of a practical nature and will therefore have limited numbers. Matt’s seminars are always over subscribed so please be sure to register early.
How do I register and what is the cost?
Please email Heiko Lade using the contact form on from the website or call me on 021 868 138.
NZRA members $400 inc GST
Non Members $450 inc GST
NZ School Acupuncture Students $275 inc GST (limited to 2 Students and others will need to be wait listed)
Online payments to ASB 12 3057 0154522 00 or send a cheque payable to “The Acupuncture Clinic” to PO Box 938 Napier 4140.
What time does the seminar run and how many continuing educations can I claim?
Saturday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Sunday 8:00 am – 4:00 am.
Approved by NZRA for 12 hours CPD.
Is there any prior reading material available?
Previous attendees of his other seminars will be familiar with his use of Motor Points and it is recommended that you obtain a copy of his Motor Point Index that is digially available via iTunes or Kindle. He will have limited numbers of his Motor Point and Acupuncture Meridians charts available at the seminar.
Is there any accommodation close by?
Accommodation suggestion: The Epsom Motel 232 Green Lane West, is a 5 minute walk from the college venue and Hashish the manager has offered attendees a special corporate rate for those attending seminar.
Please note: There area number of events on in Auckland that weekend so please be sure to book accommodation early.