There have been numerous studies confirming the efficacy of acupuncture in the treatment and management of back pain. In New Zealand, The Accident Compensation Corporation, ACC, covers acupuncture treatment for different types of back pain including lumbar sprain, lumbar disk prolapse, lumbago and sciatica. In NZ, Australia, the USA and the UK, insurance companies provide cover for back pain with acupuncture. In fact in the UK, researchers have verified that acupuncture for back pain is more cost effective than surgery and pharmaceutical intervention and is covered by the National Health Scheme there. When an acupuncturist treats back pain, the energy meridian lines specific to the exact location of the injured area need to be carefully assessed. This will determine which acupuncture points are used.
Many of the acupuncture points used for back pain though, are not near the back at all but in the feet, knees and hands. Using acupuncture points situated distally or away from the area of the problem is a common acupuncture technique.
Acupuncture points close to the area of pain are often treated with Electro-Acupuncture which can be used to stimulate rejuvenation of injured tissue.
Other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques such as cupping and moxibustion are commonly integrated during an acupuncture treatment to further maximize the result potential. In other cases, Chinese herbs for back pain are prescribed or specific Chinese medicinal herbal ointments are massaged into the area to enhance circulation and thus stimulate recovery.
Back pain is one of the most commonly treated complaints at The Acupuncture Clinic – Hastings.