Researchers suggest that approximately 25% of babies are in breech position at 28 weeks. There are some risks associated with breech presentation birth including a prolapsed umbilical cord which can cause diminished oxygen flow to the baby and hence caesarian section is commonly performed. Like any major surgery, maternal mortality can be increased by caesarian section.
A modern method such as external cephalic version, which is where the baby is turned by manipulating the baby through the mother’s abdomen, has a low success rate.
Acupuncture for breech baby and moxibustion for breech baby has been successfully used for centuries in China and has been researched widely in the west. Studies on the topic of acupuncture for breech baby have been done in the USA, Japan, Australia and Europe.
Modern research has confirmed that acupuncture helps for breech baby
Italian researchers in Italy in 2004 concluded that acupuncture and moxibustion for breech presentation is a valid option for women wanting a natural birth.
Andrew Orr, a Brisbane researcher has found the success rate to be about 85%
Research has even confirmed that it is more cost effective for women to receive acupuncture for breech baby as it reduces the large costs associated with caesarean section. In addition, the need for oxytocin was also reduced before and during labour in the women who had received acupuncture and moxibustion.
Is acupuncture a safe procedure to treat breech baby position?
The other good news as reported in the Journal of American Medical Association is that from a safety perspective there are no adverse events such as intrauterine death or placental detachment when using acupuncture for breech baby.
With traditional Chinese medicine thought, the Kidneys are connected to the genital organs via the bladder and hence good Kidney energy is essential for all aspects of the reproductive system. Kidney and Bladder meridian acupuncture points are commonly used in treating breech baby presentation.
When is best to start acupuncture treatment for breech baby?
In clinical practise it is best to start treatment at around 34 weeks.
It is encouraged that the partner come in with the expectant mother so a an effective, simple and safe moxibustion technique can be shown to them by practitioners at The Acupuncture Clinic. Posterior position babies can also be treated.
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