The most common bacteria that causes cystitis is E. Coli. There are however many cases of cystitis when no bacteria are present and Chinese medicine can be used to help this condition regardless of the fact if bacteria are present or not. Even when pregnant, cystitis can be treated with Chinese medicine. Pregnant women in particular need to be careful of cystitis as it can increase the disposition to kidney infection. In traditional diagnostic terms, an infection causing cystitis is commonly referred to as being caused by damp and heat. The Liver meridian travels through the genitals and Liver acupuncture points can be used to reduce the energy blockage around the genitals and hence promote healthy circulation
Women should avoid overly greasy, oily and spicy foods at all costs. A simple home remedy that may help is to boil up a soup with pearl barley as in Chinese medicine terms; this herb is a mild diuretic and can help remove toxins.