Hemorrhoids were first recorded in early Egyptian days as well as in early Chinese medicine texts. There are blood vessels in the anal canal and when they become swollen and inflamed can pose problems. Internal piles as they are sometimes called can be painless but have bleeding. External hemorrhoids can be painful. When they are not too severe a procedure known as Rubber Band Ligation is used where a rubber band is tied to the internal hemorrhoid which cuts of the blood supply and after some days the withered hemorrhoid falls off. A very similar procedure was described in 460 BC in ancient Greek medical texts. More serious hemorrhoids may require surgery or cauterization. Acupuncture can be used to treat hemorrhoids. There are a number of causes according to traditional Chinese medical theory as to what causes hemorrhoids.
What causes hemorrhoids according to Chinese medicine theory
A common cause is due to a condition called damp and heat. Damp and heat is literally a hot sticky type temperature condition that is localised around the lower body often in the intestines and anus. The low grade hot and damp environment around the anus causes the blood vessels to swell and become imbalanced.
Where are the acupuncture points located that treat hemorrhoids
If one studies a chart of the acupuncture meridian lines in the body it will be noticed that all areas of the body are traversed with an energy meridian line. The anus is no exception.
What is of interest is that in the treatment of hemorrhoids with acupuncture, the points themselves are well away from the area of the problem.
For example, a common acupuncture point used for hemorrhoids is in the back of the calf muscle and another is actually right on top of the head. The rationale of using the acupuncture point on top of the head is that the point can draw up the energy from the lower part of the body in the anus.
Are there any other causes of hemorrhoids
Another cause of hemorrhoids is due to the spleen. One of the functions of the spleen is to hold up the organs so if the spleen energy is weak, it can cause organs and blood vessels to fall down and out of the body as in hemorrhoids or prolapse.
Who can get hemorrhoids
It is estimated that up to 50 % of the population experiences some trouble with hemorrhoids at some point in their life. It is also more common with truck and taxi drivers as well as pregnant women.