The first textbooks on Chinese medicine specializing in gynecology date back to the 1200’s and include treatments for menstrual related problems as well as problems encountered during pregnancy.
Pregnancy related symptoms can include such issues as miscarriage, morning sickness, pre-term labor, breech baby as well as other situations arising like high blood pressure and preeclampsia. Women can also get other problems during their pregnancy such as sciatica, skin flare ups or any other problem that they may have had prior to pregnancy.
Many women have concerns during their pregnancy for any kind of medical treatment or supplements and herbs that they take if they are safe. Acupuncture and moxibustion can be performed all the way through each trimester and certain points may be contraindicated at certain stages of the pregnancy. Other points can be specifically selected to enhance the baby’s potential to develop at optimum capacity. The traditional acupuncturist practicing in New Zealand has in most cases completed a four year full time training program as well as gaining extensive supervised clinic experience.
Sarah Molony specializes in women’s health and practices in Whakatane on New Zealand’s Eastern Bay of Plenty coast line. She says “Most of my patients come to me by word of mouth having been referred by another female who previously had treatment. I also get many referrals from local midwives. Its true that some new patients have concerns about safety but the majority are well educated into what benefits acupuncture can bring to the pregnant woman“.
There are a number of other Acupuncture New Zealand members, apart from Sarah Molony, that specialize in treating women’s problems including Debra Betts from Wellington, who has also written a text book on the subject.
There is a particular acupuncture treatment protocol that is also used for many patients in their last month of pregnancy to help with the birthing process. There have been a number of studies completed on this which have demonstrated that acupuncture has been shown to be successful in reducing the mean labour time.
Prospective patients in the Whakatane area are fortunate to have Sarah Molony and other practitioners through out the country can be found at Acupuncture New Zealand.