Not only is China and Korea using acupuncture as part of its treatment protocol for its elite athletes on the Olympic team, but it is common knowledge that the USA Olympic competitors are also using acupuncture.
McKavla Maroney, world vault champion has been using acupuncture for her toe injury. It is no secret that athletes from the USA have been using acupuncture for some years. At the last Olympics Gymnast Nastia Liukin used acupuncture to hasten recovery of her ankle injury and won a gold medal.
Other US competitors such as Jeremy Scott, a pole vaulter and track and field star Dee Dee Trotter have used acupuncture for sports injuries and as such have been able to go to London to compete in the 2012 Olympics.
There is even a qualified and licensed acupuncturist competing in the London Olympics! Amy Acuff is a 5 time Olympian and she will be competing at the London Olympics in the High Jump event at the age of 36.
The USA men’s archery won silver at the 2012 Olympics and has regular acupuncture as part of their training and fitness protocol.
New Zealand is still lagging behind in the western world where Chinese medicine and acupuncture is still not registered and the NZ Olympic Medical Team expressed no interest in having acupuncture as part of their team traveling to London.