Matt Callison is the President of AcuSport Seminars and lecturer at the Sports Medicine Acupuncture Certification Program in the United States. He first presented at the NZRA AGM Conference in Hamilton in 2002. Since then he has delivered a number of seminars in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland. Matt will be spending some time in New Zealand finishing his book on Acupuncture and Sports Medicine and will only be delivering one seminar in 2013.
This seminar is on Differentiating Low Back Pain and will discuss referred pain patterns into the channels and collaterals of the hip and lower extremity.
The practitioner will learn to assess the cause of paresthesia and radiculopathic pain patterns in order to differentiate true sciatica from the many different possible causes of “sciatica-like” sensations. Some of the structures and tissues that may be involved in causing sciatica-like symptoms include: the sacroiliac joint ligaments, the lower lumbar facet joints, the annulus fibrosis, the piriformis, the greater trochanter bursae and others. In order to reduce local stagnation and remove obstructions in the affected or “diseased” channels and collaterals (jing luo zu zhi), it is imperative for the practitioner to definitively identify the anatomical structure that is causing the referred pain. This workshop will present orthopedic examinations and postural assessment techniques that will help the practitioner to determine the precise source of the referred pain and therefore develop an appropriate and effective treatment protocol. Innovative needle techniques and channel point prescriptions will also be demonstrated and practiced.
Previous attendees of his other seminars will be familiar with his use of Motor Points and it is recommended that you obtain a copy of his Motor Point Index if you haven’t got one already. He will have limited numbers of his Motor Point charts available at the seminar.
This is a hands on seminar and strictly limited to 20 people
NZRA members $375 inc GST
Non Members $425 inc GST
NZ School Acupuncture Students $300 inc GST (limited to 2 students)
Please note: Participants must be a licensed or registered acupuncturist and provide proof of having graduated from an ACAOM accredited Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture school.(or equivilant) Participants must have a minimum of 2000 hours of acupuncture and TCM training and provide proof of having an active license.
The seminar will be at the St Cuthbert’s College, Epsom, enter from Market road, Building 29, The Performing Arts Center.
To register please use the contact form and leave your name and contact details. Online payments to ASB 12 3057 0154522 00 or send a cheque payable to “The Acupuncture Clinic” to PO Box 938 Napier 4140. Approved by NZRA for 12 hours CPD.
Contact Heiko Lade on 021 868 138 if you have any questions.
Saturday 9:30am – 4:30pm and Sunday 8:00am – 3:00am.
Accommodation suggestion: The Epsom Motel, 232 Green Lane West, has offered attendees the corporate rate. Please quote Matt Callison Seminar.