Radio Kidnappers and Heiko Lade interview Serena Joe, a Wellington based acupuncturist practicing in the CBD. We talk with her about how acupuncture is used in the treatment of children’s disorders.
Many people are surprised to learn that the children are not scared of her needles at all, unlike some of her adult patients.
Acupuncture has been shown to be able to influence the immune system and this is perhaps why it is useful in boosting children’s health.
Come and join us with Serena Joe on Radio Kidnappers on 1431 AM or 104.7 FM to find out more about she helps and young children with acupuncture for a whole host of conditions.
Some of the complaints Serena sees in her clinic are children with eczema, digestive disorders and sleeping issues.
If you would like to talk with Serena to see if she may be able to help with your child, call her on 04 499 9062.