Tim Haiselden- winner of the NZ Order of Merit
Tim Haiselden was one of the early members of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists and first practised in Wellington in 1976.
Tim first studied acupuncture in Thailand as an apprentice and then went on to the UK to get a formal qualification. He has been actively involved in lobbying for Statutory Regulation of acupuncture all these years and still optimistic that it will eventuate in his lifetime. Acupuncture is regulated in many countries including Australia but New Zealand is still behind the times, even though acupuncture has been recognized by ACC for over 20 years.
Tim Haiselden has been seeing patients from his Karori premises all these years and now in some instances has even seen three generations of family patients.
Tune into Radio Kidnappers on 1421 AM or 104.7 FM on Monday 22nd June 2015 at 9:30 am and have a listen to what Tim has to say about acupuncture and the hope that it will become a regulated profession hopefully in this century.