As I am writing this newsletter in June, I am still dressed in shorts and T-shirt, so hopefully when you are reading it in July, it will actually be winter and cold!
If the earth is in harmony with the Tao, it should be cold and the energies contracting. Did you know that the railway line between Sydney and Melbourne can contract and expand up to 10 km depending on the temperature! This is why we feel stiff in cold weather as well as our internal organs are effected by cold. In particular, arthritic conditions become more pronounced in changes of cold weather. You can read here about Chinese herbs and arthritis.
Speaking of cold weather, I will be going to Rarotonga at the end of July to experience some warmer weather, do some swimming and loosen up the joints. It will be my first trip there so I will be looking forward to it.
I write this article some time ago about the ancient Chinese medicine concept of jing-essence and how it correlates to the modern scientific viewpoint of stem cells. Modern research has demonstrated that acupuncture, moxibustion and certain Chinese herbs influence stem cell release from the marrow as well as stem cell proliferation. Have a read here as well as there is a short movie at the end of the post.