Sohial Farzam (centre) with Acupuncture NZ members
I recently attended the 2 day workshop presented by Sohial Farzam which was organized by Acupuncture NZ. The treatment of mental emotional disorders with acupuncture is becoming more recognized not only by the lay public but also by the profession. There used to be the odd chapter in a book discussing a few points for psychosis but now a plethra of books on Chinese medicine and the treatment of emotional disorders has emerged. In addition, western researchers have taken on the task of studying the effects of acupuncture on depression and anxiety. With this in mind, I wasn’t entirely sure what I was expecting when attending the Psycho-Emotional Mastery workshop.
The first thing I can inform prospective future attendees of Sohial’s workshops though, is what the workshop won’t deliver. There are no cookbook research acupuncture point combinations for depression or anxiety.
Without an exaggeration, the best way to describe Sohial Farzam, is that he is equivalent of the Anthony Robbins of acupuncture. He is a truly inspiring and motivational speaker.
The background study and research that he has personally partaken in to understand the human psyche is staggering and is exemplified throughout the two days with constant referrals to books, quotes and other seminars he has attended.
Extensive notes are supplied to attendees and I was most impressed that he rarely referred to anything but spoke almost constantly ad-lib remembering everything that needed to be covered.
There are many case histories of his own that he brings up to illustrate his discussion and he welcomes feedback from participants.
His knowledge has been collected and grasped from all aspects of Chinese medicine including, the five elements, eight extra-ordinary vessels and TCM while marrying it in with modern day pyschology.
With more being understood in the field of Neuroscience, the study of Neuroplasticity is becoming more common to help with the understanding of the human psyche, the brain DNA structure and brainwaves patterns. Sohial and his knowledge of acupuncture in the treatment of the mind will help you realise the full potential of what can be achieved in clinic. The Psycho-Emotional Mastery workshop will bring you one step closer to be being able to use your needles to successfully touch the spirit of your patients.
What other attendees have said.
While giving a revealing insight into one of the more esoteric yet important areas of TCM, Sohial presents with focus and passion that really brings the subject to life.I found it tremendously helpful in providing me with some new tools to treat with, and also acting as a seed for some really positive personal perspective changes. Thank you Sohial for a really rewarding two days! – Jake Munz- Wellington acupuncturist