Learn qigong with Corey Lee Waterreus in Napier
As a western society we are familiar with the term exercise or working out, but not so familiar with the term working in or building energy.
Qigong pronounced (chee gong) is a Chinese method of gentle exercise based loosely on a series of breathing, standing and moving postures.
The goal of Qigong exercise is to stimulate the flow of energy internally in the body so that it effectively rushes through and clears the entire network of Qi channels, or ‘’meridians’’. For example if someone had a Qi or energy blockage within their digestive system, practicing Qigong can help clear the blockage and allow the flow of energy to return back to normal. Qigong also trains the nervous system, the mind, and the internal organs simultaneously, so that the inner strength of the whole body is raised to a new level of power and fitness without having to do strenuous physical exercise.
How old is qigong?
For centuries most knowledge about Qigong was passed on within families or small circles of masters and students and kept relatively secret. However over recent years it has been taught and discussed publicly.
There are a growing number of applications of Qigong exercises, ranging from the treatment of chronic illness through to the development of extraordinary physical powers that enable practitioners to break stones with their bare fingers.
In addition to building physical strength, what else can qigong do?
Qigong is also excellent for helping build up the body’s immune system and internal strength. In fact many people report that doing regular qigong helps them against catching colds and flu.
There are many styles and schools of Qigong which focus on different aspects but what they all have in common is that they build up energy and strength within the body. It is simple to do and does not require any equipment just a small amount of space and perseverance to keep practicing.