Insomnia affects millions of people worldwide and many patients coming to The Acupuncture Clinic – Hastings for insomnia treatment often ask how does acupuncture work for this problem. For many years now, scientists have been studying brain waves using EEG to help them understand sleep, dreams and emotional disorders such as depression. In 2013 scientists now have verified that acupuncture alters brain slow wave activity which enhances sleep quality. The researchers used the common acupuncture point Stomach 36.
The acupuncture point Stomach 36, known as zusanli is located below the knee and is a major acupuncture point and historically has been used for hundreds of conditions over the centuries. Research in the past has already demonstrated that the acupuncture point, Stomach 36, can aid in weight loss, treat herpes zoster, increase muscle strength, address anemia issues and also improve fertility rates.
There are a number of causes of insomnia according to traditional Chinese medicine theories and diagnosis is important to optimise treatment to give long last results. Taking sleeping pills can lead to addiction and can never address the root of the problem, whereas Chinese herbs and acupuncture for insomnia can give long lasting benefit eliminating the need for addictive drugs.
There are two main classifications of insomnia according to traditional Chinese medicine with two specific symptoms being the key note diagnostic determining factors. Some people have trouble falling asleep and others can fall asleep but then wake up and can’t fall back asleep. Inability to fall asleep is regarded as a blood deficiency problem and waking up and then having insomnia are regarded as a yin deficiency problem. People who wake up at night and can’t fall back asleep awake are often hot and thirsty and if the yin deficiency is severe they will experience night sweats as well.
Some acupuncture points have specific insomnia treating capabilities and have been used for centuries. One such point is known as anmian which means Peaceful Sleep and is located in the back of the neck. There are also many Chinese herbs used in the treatment of insomnia of which some include ye jiao teng and he huan pi.
Acupuncture not only helps one to sleep better but can also reduce stress and anxiety associated with the problem.