Alan Jansson has been in practice for 30 years and for the last 18 years has been studying Traditional Japanese Acupuncture (TJM) with the guidance of the master Japanese acupuncture physician, Masakazu Ikeda Sensei.
In his private practices in Queensland, Alan uses only Traditional Japanese Acupuncture methods where he sees a multitude of internal complaints as well as musculo-skeletal disorders.
In fact his expertise in treating sports injuries is well known among the players of the Brisbane Lions, 3 times Australian Rules National Champions.
He has also treated many elite athletes including a number of Olympic Gold Medalists to enhance their sporting performances and in some cases helping them to recover from severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Alan has a dedication and passion for passing on the traditions of Traditional Japanese Acupuncture as taught by Ikeda Sensei as well relaying his experience of using this amazing healing form exclusively in the western clinical setting.
He regularly treats in excess of 100 patients per week.
With over 50 workshops and seminars having been presented by Alan in the USA, Australia, Portugal and the Czech Republic, the upcoming workshop in Christchurch is likely to be fully subscribed. Alan last presented in New Zealand in Auckland in February in 2014 and the seminar was fully subscribed. On his last visit partook in some surfing in Coromandel and this time he will be travelling to Kaikoura to test the waves there.
This Christchurch hands on seminar and workshop will include reviewing the essential theoretical components of Japanese style diagnosis and how to perform the important traditional “root” treatments that are the key ingredient to clinical success.
Specialized moxibustion techniques using the treasured gold moxa will be demonstrated so that they can be applied in your practice immediately.
Over the weekend, there will be an emphasis on practical application techniques to address the treatment of various common and difficult to treat conditions including chronic fatigue and immune disorders.
In addition, attendees will be able to return to their clinics fully confident in using this unique style in the treatment of any musculo-skeletal disorder.
Alan also welcomes any of the seminar attendees to visit him in Queensland to work alongside him in his clinic to further their learning and gain extra practical experience. It is a rare day in his practice when Alan is not only seeing patients but teaching others at the same time as practitioners travel to work with him from all over the world.
Venue: South Learning Centre: 66 Columbo Street cnr Hunter Tce (The Sydenham Room)
Time: Saturday and Sunday 24-25 January. (10:00 am -4:30 pm)
NZRA members $400
Non members $450
Approved for 12 hours CPE by NZRA
Payments by direct debit to 12 3057 0154522 00 or please send a cheque made payable to “The Acupuncture Clinic” and sent to PO Box 938 Napier, 4140.
Contact Heiko Lade on 021 868 138 or Angie Harding on 027 2458 194 if you have any questions.